Monday 23 September 2013

Honours Year Summary

So, here it is. Honours year. Exciting as it is intimidating!

We had our first lecture today, and were introduced to the basics of what's expected. We were given access to the relevant documentation we'd be needing, and I've been reading them to familiarise myself before the seminar on Thursday. I think this information from the Handbook summarises honours well:
The honours project requires the selection of a specialist area of inquiry framed by a research aim. The research aim will require that you carry out background reading and investigation to gain further insight into your research topic. Based upon this insight, you will select research methods and activities which will help you to explore the area theoretically and practically. You will then implement these methods and develop a final outcome for your research. This outcome will be evaluated and reflected upon within your written work, and will help to point to possible future work beyond the honours year.”
The five modules we have for this year are to be considered as part of a whole, and shouldn't focus on them too individually. They are as follows:
  • AG1064A: Professional Practice
  • AG1084A: Honours Project
  • AG1085A: Pre-Production
  • AG1086A: Concept Development
  • AG1087A: Research Methods & Dissertation
We will be assigned a group mentor in semester one, then a project supervisor in semester two, who we will keep regular contact with. Lynn Parker is the Computer Arts programme tutor, but we are allowed to approach staff with interests aligned with our own for advice. We will also supervise pitch and crit weeks.

These are specific exercises we must complete and submit throughout the year:
  • Progress Presentation 1                               Week 4 - > 14th October
  • Progress Presentation 2                               Week 8 - > 11th November
  • Research Proposal                                      Week 12 - 13th December
  • Concept Development Document                 Week 17 - 13th January
  • Pre-Production Portfolio                             Week 17 - 13th January
  • Ethics Form                                               Week 17 - 17th January
  • Showcase Infrastructure Form                      Week 20 - 7th February
  • Progress Presentation 3                               Week 21 - > 10th February
  • Progress Presentation 4                               Week 25 - > 10th March
  • Honours Project Portfolio                            Week 34 - 12th May
  • Learning Contract                                       Week 34 - 12th May
  • Honours Year Blog                                       Week 34 - 12th May
  • Supervisor Meeting Diary                             Week 34 - 12th May
  • Dissertation                                                Week 34 - 16th May
  • Final Presentation                                       Week 34 - >12th May
  • Exposition Set Up                                       Week 35 - > 19th May
  • Showcase Opening                                      Week 35 - 23rd May
This blog, as part of my submission, is to be a detailed record of my final year and should contain evidence of the following:
  • Identification of skill gaps and subsequent development of technical skills
  • Examples of and critical reflection on creative and artistic practice
  • Understanding of and critical engagement with relevant theories
  • Personal reflection on my honours experience
My aim for this week is to thoroughly read through all the documentation provided, and get any questions I have about the project in general answered now. I want this blog set up looking nice and how I want it, and I'll draw up a draft timetable for a weekly schedule. I think having a routine will work well for me as we have little practical classes and staff contact this year, and it'll help set specific time aside for work and studying. Eventually, when I have a more thought out plan for my ideas, I'll make a gantt chart or work schedule to help organise things and manage my time more effectively for each task.

Let's begin!

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