Monday 31 March 2014

Supervisor Meeting 06

It's been a while since I updated a Supervisor Meeting. I fell ill just before the fourth presentation, which I couldn't attend, and I missed two of these sessions, although I informed Ryan and tried to keep things updated. I am behind on a number of things, my head was so stuffy I just couldn't concentrate on anything.

I began the meeting with a few questions. I wondered if I had to redo my ethics form as I no longer have human subjects, and I might have to rejustify why I have no ethical concerns. Ryan said I didn't have to, but I could email them and ask (I did, it's not necessary). I asked if he just wanted the Diary Sheets stapled together to submit, and that's fine. I also enquired about next week being the last meeting, and Ryan said he might do one more before submissions, although emailing is still ok. I confirmed the date for the dissertation first draft (11th April).

For my exposition, I had the idea of having descriptions of the archetypes and how I interpreted that in my designs, like small information posters of my process. I wanted to check the site Ryan recommended for a printed book - Blurb. They looked pretty decent, and I would love to get one done. The small square or A4 sizes look nice, and the prices aren't too cringe worthy. Alongside Moo business cards I intend to get, prices just for printing things can pile up, so it depends. I've been looking at game art books and guides to see how they've done layouts, and especially the backgrounds as I don't want them to be just plain white and boring.

I've worked on the colour palettes for all the species, trying to get the basis of the schemes similar enough to look like they belong to the same world. This isn't too important anymore as each duo has a different species except the humans (one which is defined by their clan, the other the city), where before they were mixed and matched. I'm also figuring out art styles. The Leader-Follower features red line on warm colours, and blue on cool. Ryan says it's harmonious yet still pops. Next I want to work on their shading, mostly aiming for gradient with light texturing. I've finished the female human, but I'm a bit frustrated with the Giant as his line art is more detailed. The human male as been started, and this is the first Ryan has seen of him which he liked. I want to make him a bit more scruffy looking, and his archetype pairing will be in a painted texture style. Ryan said it's great I'm doing the fashion so well, and that they're like proper designs that could actually be made. I figure the three archetypes are suited for different platforms: Leader-Follower is indie in that it's artistic; Leader-Leader is for mobile with it's vector style; and Follower-Leader for AAA with it's more painted style. Ryan says my work has the strongest silhouettes he's seen all year, and that it's awesome to see this becoming a really fleshed out character design process. He can see my abilities have strengthened, and that I talk professionally.

Action Points
  • Finish Giant and male human.
  • Start Pet and Leader-Leader pair.
  • Finalise art styles.
  • Finish bios and stories.
  • Dissertation

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